Beowulf8 Beowulf Writing Assignment Through the use of the conflict mingled with right-hand(a) and evil throughout Beowulf, it was shown that two opposites could not peacefully coexist. Beowulf, with cardinal of his finest men, crossed the sea to benefactor Hrothgar. Upon hearing of the Danes? horror, the hero organize decided to come to their aid. Beowulf appealed to Hrothgar for the right to battle Grendel. Hrothgar, being hopeful, allowed Beowulf to association the monster. Beowulf single-handedly defeated Grendel. The monster was no match for the vile power of the hero. The good overcame the evil, and Danes were grateful.

After the defeat of th e evil monster, it was public opinion that the affliction was over. Grendel?s mother takes revenge on the Danes. She kills Hrothgar?s closest friend. The Danes for a second time solicit the sustain of Beowulf. He agrees to again assist them. Beowulf and his men trek to the lake where Grendel?s mother lives. Beowulf appoints Hrothgar as the leader of his men ...If you want to tag a full essay, order it on our website:
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